You entrust your computer with all sorts of passwords and other personal details. You log in on websites, manage your financial affairs, do some online shopping and create accounts. If you run a business, you will have the details of all your employees on the system, as well as your financial documents and other important notices related to your business. You don’t want these details getting into the wrong hands, so looking into companies like Radware will be essential if you want to make sure that your financial business, for example, remains free from any potential threats from hackers.
Storing this information on your computer comes without a second thought. We just give away all our details without really thinking too much about it. But this could have devastating consequences. Hackers can get access to all of these details and therefore you want to protect your computer. IT Governance is one of the companies that offer internet security and there are many others. But in what way can they keep their computer safe? Read this blog to find that out.
Anti-Virus Software
The first step you need to take in protecting your computer or other device is downloading a decent anti-virus software program. Using your computer and going online without some form of protection is not the smartest thing to do, to say the least. Good anti-virus software will detect and illuminate possible threats for you. They can detect spyware, malware, and viruses and are your computer’s first line of defense. Make sure your software includes a firewall and update it on a regular basis. Viruses are constantly evolving and you need to stay up to date.
Cyber Resilience
Cyber protection is old-fashioned. Hackers will always be there and are constantly trying new ways to access your system. Even things that you didn’t think could be compromised can now be threatened, such as your network’s endpoints. Whilst there is some technology that can help, most of it doesn’t run fast enough to keep pace with the advancement of the attack, and so individuals and companies are now making the decision to utilize something like this FortiEDR software (visit here for more information) to help ensure that every inch of the network is kept as safe and secure as possible. With that being said, keeping track of all the weak spots in your system is not doable, especially if you’re talking about a large company with many computers, systems, servers, and networks. So, what can you do? The next step is moving on to cyber resilience. This form of protection already assumes a virus or other threat will access your system sooner or later. Via this option, you prepare your computer for when a cyber attack takes place. You pinpoint some high-value assets and make sure their safety is your anti-virus’ first priority. Don’t keep all of your documents in one place, make backups (and keep them apart from your computer), and arrange for the most sensitive information to shut down when your firewall is breached.
Your Own Actions
You can rely on a system or software program to secure your computer for you, but there is also something called common sense. Of course, you shouldn’t use a public network for private affairs or store your classified documents on a public computer. But there is more you can do. Earlier we mentioned documents and how they are stored. Any classified document shouldn’t be kept on one computer. You should always have multiple copies and these copies should be stored on a flash drive in case your computer crashes. The original file on your computer should be deleted a soon as you don’t need it anymore. Always log out of any account you use. Be careful which network you are on when you decide to enter a password and always sign out after usage instead of just closing the page.
Despite all your precautions, a virus or hacker might corrupt your system. When that happens, make sure you are ready to re-install your entire system, and don’t forget to change all of your passwords so they cannot be used by anyone else.